Transfer from UW Oshkosh in Fall 2014

<p>Currently in the process of waiting for a response as to whether or not i get into Madison. Just looking for a little input because i really want to get accepted but I'm kind of anxious and not too sure!
I am a freshman at UW Oshkosh and I received a 3.71 GPA for first semester.
Classes for the Fall: Psych 101, WBIS 188 (writing course), Chem 105 (5 credits), and Environmental Studies 101
My lowest grade was a B+ in WBIS otherwise an A in Chem and A- in the rest. These all added up to 14 credits</p>

<p>My classes for the Spring: Math 201 (applied statistics), Chem 106, Bio 105, and political science 105- 15 credits
I should be able to stay above a 3.5 if not higher.</p>

<p>I'm worried though because my HS GPA wasn't that great. I had a 3.0 cumulative but i did take the most advanced classes my school has to offer since my HS doesn't offer any AP courses. </p>

<p>Any thoughts as to how it is looking for me so far!? Thanks!</p>

<p>Once you have some college experience, you high school work starts to fade. I think you might very well get accepted, especially since you are already at a UW branch. No guarantee, of course.</p>

<p>If you do not make it this year, try again next year. Your high school grades will be as nothing by then.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>That definitely helps ease my anxiety, thanks!</p>

<p>You might want to also retake the SAT and ACT unless you did well the first time.</p>

<p>Plus, take a look at this UW web page about transferring:</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>All the best!</p>

<p>I didn’t take an SAT and I got a 22 on my ACT so i didn’t even bother to submit that score. Thanks for the link though!</p>

<p>@anoni76 I’m also trying to transfer in… In the same situation as you, slightly worse grades but 6 more credits not including APs that I have. It really depends how they weigh high school grades. Make sure to post on here if you get accepted or not so others can know. Thanks, and good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks, will do! And same to you!</p>

<p>Look at the UW transfer website for the criteria used. Your HS record is ancient history now- wiped out by your college record. Those ACT scores also are ancient history as you have proven you can succeed in college. You will likely find UW-Madison to be much tougher but worth the extra work.</p>

<p>@wis75 that is false. Your high school record is more or less weighted depending on how many credits you’ve taken. </p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Not false necessarily. Prove you can do excellent college work and a lesser HS performance won’t matter. A near 3.0 college gpa will have admissions looking back at the HS record more closely than mostly A’s will. It is not just credits taken but how you prove yourself in college. </p>

<p>I’m really hoping so! Thank you for your input to both of you!</p>

<p>Yeah, you’ll get in. </p>

<p>Anything above a 3.5 with school involvement and such is pretty much a yes.</p>

<p>I would give you a solid chance. I know many people who have made similar transfers with similar stats. Stuff from HS (grades and test scores) are still relevant, but you have proved you can work well in college. </p>

<p>PS-Madison is great!</p>