Transfer Help!!!

<p>I currently go to to Ithaca College in NY but I'm from Socal... but I'm really unhappy being here in IC. It's not a bad school and I'm not homesick... I just am not really happy with the curriculum and the area [which is hellishly rural].
Mostly, unhappy with the curriculum because I have a first-year professor teaching fundamentals of business and just being in her class has caused me to think about switching majors [although I know I want to stay in it]. Ithaca is in the middle of nowhere. I'm sorry, but 10 miles out of this city, there is nothingness. It's gorgeous and it's a great vacation/visiting area but I can't stand living here. I need civilization.</p>

<p>Anyways, I have a 3.2 GPA now but I can definitely pull that up to over 3.5 if I get an A on my last few tests for psych and gen. business. I'm generally just always unhappy, depressed, and never wanting to go out. I have sophomore standing after this first freshman semester here. </p>

<p>The reason I went to NY in the first place was to try and realize my largest goals [though it seems very... shallow] of working in NYC. I love marketing and management and I know people who have graduated and found great jobs in the city.. [and the person who interviewed me for Cornell who works in LA just looked depressing]. </p>

<p>Anyways, I have a few schools in mind--
1. Chapman [this was one of the schools I had originally applied for and gotten in].
2. Cal Poly Pomona
3. Syracuse U
4. UCB and LA [which are huge dream schools but I mostly just want to go to grad school for these].</p>

<p>I just want to know my chances and as for Chapman, I was granted a large amount of scholarships [almost as much as the ones for IC when I applied], will I be able to get scholarships if I get in again?</p>

<p>Likewise, do any of you have any suggestions for good undergraduate business schools of the same tier as Chapman that I may be able to get into that are near NYC or anywhere in CA. </p>

<p>Oh. And when should I start applying for these schools. A few friends that are also in Business are transferring early as in, they are leaving next semester or this year. I am a freshman and just finishing semester 1. Semester 2 starts after December/January.</p>

<p>I’m also considering Binghamton [costs me very little] despite the proximity to Ithaca [same applies to Syracuse]…</p>

<p>I would stay away from Bing and Syracuse if you don’t like rural…they are both really rural.</p>