Transfer Housing??

<p>Hi there, </p>

<p>I signed up for the transfer housing waitlist today, but i'm wondering what you think the chances are that they'll offer me a spot on-campus. I really want to be on-campus just for social reasons because i think it'd be nearly impossible to make friends living off-campus. What do you guys think?</p>

<p>When I went on a tour the tour guide said out of 1,000 transfers they take ~500? But with the closing of dorms this year for renovation I think its highly unlikely. Since I even have friends who are upcoming sophomores and they got denied housing with really decent lotto numbers. Always safe to find apartment complexes that give you 3 other random roommates, if you wanna meet some people.</p>

<p>The Villiage does random roommates. I’m not a huge fan of that particular complex but I don’t know what others do randoms and it isn’t that bad.</p>

<p>Last year, I signed up for the waitlist like in December and wasn’t offered a spot until May…I declined. I know people who were offered space too and took it, but then later were not offered a spot on campus because there were too many incoming freshmen who needed dorms. I also know that they asked returning students who also signed a contract if they would be willing to be taken off the contract and live off campus without penalty. Even with all that, there still wasn’t enough room right away for all the freshmen.</p>

<p>Also, the dorm closing next year houses a lot more people (800ish?) than the one that was closed this year…so that means even less space for incoming freshmen.</p>

<p>Isn’t west aj closing and east reopening? It should just about be a wash.</p>

<p>East AJ only housed 400ish students before its closing while west AJ houses over 800(closer to 900 maybe?). I think that’s right anyway.</p>

<p>Either way, I’ve heard that there’s still going to be a loss of about 500 spots when east opens and west closes</p>

<p>I really think your best option is to find an apartment. I know I signed up for the waiting list back in January, so I feel like so many other transfer have signed up between then and now. I ended up getting an apartment with a few friends, so really I would try to look for one.</p>

<p>Here are some links for roommate or rental locators for off-campus housing if you cannot or do not get into the dorms.</p>

<p>[Virginia</a> Tech Off Campus Housing Service](<a href=“]Virginia”></p>

<p>[Find</a> a Roommate at Foxridge Apartment Homes](<a href=“]Find”></p>