<p>im currently a freshman at Miami University (OH) and do not like the oxford area. Im looking for a school located near or in a big city. I perfer east coast. Im studying accounting and finance and have a 3.4 after first semester. Other then the area and sterotype student body I dot mind miami. Any ideas would be great. I rather have a smaller school where professors and advisors give more personal attention then they do here.</p>
<p>Anyone. Anything could help!!!!!!1</p>
<p>Though transfers are assessed primarily on their grades in college, schools also want to see the SATS and highschool transcripts. Because I don't know much about business departments in schools,particularly about any personal attention, I can't give you any names. Also important is your budget, since transfer money is scarce. I suggest you pick some of the smaller schools in the major cities that you like, and pull out the business department info for them. Business tends to be a common major so you should not have much trouble coming up with a list.</p>
<p>HS transcripts/SAT/ACT are usually only needed with under a minimum of transferrable CR.</p>
<p>Im more looking for schools to look at. I know what they will want. I am also mostly interested in accounting and finance. I have a little interest in political science as well</p>