Transfer into IRL or PAM?

<p>I know this is an age old debate at Cornell, but I was wondering if anyone here would be able to help me with some questions I have as a potential transfer student into either of these colleges.</p>

<p>I will need to take all the pre-requisite courses listed for transfer students at the University of Minnesota this year in hopes that they are parallel with Cornell's classes. </p>

<p>High School GPA - 3.85
College GPA - 3.8
ACT Writing - 10
ACT Composite - 26- I know, I know... :(</p>

<p>Nat'l Honor Society 11th, 12th grade.</p>

<p>Dean's List entire freshman year.</p>

<p>Varsity Track/XC - 4 years. Hold school record in 800m - 1:55.
I've placed at state track/xc numerous times.</p>

<p>Worked for the University of Montana prior to Minnesota as a web designer/developer.</p>

<p>Mission Trip in Juarez, Mexico for Proyecto Abrigo. Built houses for poorer families in the area.</p>

<p>Do you think I have a chance?</p>

<p>Would it be best for me to take the whole year and focus on Cornell's pre-requisite courses for transfer students into the IRL or PAM? Or should I try to get as many as I can in a semester and transfer in the spring?</p>

<p>you must really love the program to call it IRL twice -_-</p>

<p>that aside, the prereqs are definitely important. freshman are generally not allowed to transfer in the spring, so you’ll have to wait a year.</p>

<p>ironicallyunsure, I won’t be a freshman. I finished my first year at the University of Montana, then transferred to the University of Minnesota for this upcoming fall semester. However, I would like to eventually go to IRL or PAM. </p>

<p>My goal was to take most of the pre reqs in the fall at Minnesota and attempt to get into Cornell. However, I don’t think that is a possibility. So I imagine I will need to take the whole year and dedicate it to parallel coursework at Cornell. I sure hope I get accepted or I will feel really dumb.</p>

<p>Sorry, what’s IRL? and why transfer again?</p>

<p>what’s your current major? you do need to have a back up plan and stay on track at your current school while finishing up the prereqs. i suggest figuring out if you’ll apply to ILR or PAM now and focus on those. your gpa is fine; it’ll come down to essays</p>

<p>@fri3nds04 - I am transferring because I would love to experience Cornell and I plan to run track/xc there. Also, I know admissions are need blind, but my family makes less than 60k a year so I would essentially go free. </p>

<p>@ironicallyunsure - Thanks again for the advice. You are completely right, I do need a backup plan incase the Cornell transfer doesn’t work out. I am a Political Science major at the moment with a Spanish minor. At this point I am leaning towards IRL. That college doesn’t seem to have as strict pre reqs compared to PAM.</p>

<p>In your opinion, what college is easier transferring into?</p>

<p>Well…I can tell you that ILR will reject you if you keep referring to it as “IRL” ;)</p>

<p>Oh, so the OP was referring to ILR… I see… :wink: (wished (s)he would have realized when I asked)</p>

<p>Are you interested in consumer and health policy or labor/employment issues? That should be the motivating factor.</p>

<p>Wow, I am a bit ashamed of myself…Of course, I meant ILR.</p>

<p>Silly me…See what public schools do to me? ;)</p>

<p>@CayugaRed2005, I am predominately interested in law school preparation. At this point I don’t have on particular interest.</p>



<p>Surely you must have some interest. What would you rather spend a good deal of time learning about?</p>

<p>all you get for asking what the easiest college to transfer into is is me shaking my head at you</p>