Transfer into School of Engineering?

I was recently admitted to VT with my second choice major of Computer Modeling and Data Analytics. My first choice was undecided engineering, and that is still my first choice. I don’t mean to sound ignorant but I chose engineering expecting to get in and after researching CMDA i realized i really do not want to do it. This is really stressing me out because i’ve always wanted to be an engineer and VT is my top school.

I would like to transfer into engineering as soon as possible without falling behind. I know there are other threads but i think VT updated their engineering transfers this year and I am not sure if it is still current.

I am willing to take summer classes at my local community college.

I have a 4.34 weighted GPA and a 2000 SAT score (700 math, 640 reading, 660 writing), and i am from Northern Virginia.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

@ilovethepatriots Please read the attached links carefully as there are many new requirements for transfer to GE effective with the Fall 2015 class and it is the only source of up to date information. For example, now you need to have 12 credit hrs of “index” classes (there is a list of these) completed at VT before applying for transfer. These classes must be taken at VT. Classes taken at a cc or AP credit do NOT count towards these 12. This is a very big difference from past years as many could complete the “core” Engr classes through AP credit or a cc and apply for transfer soon after arriving to VT. Also, there is now min 3.0 GPA requirement in the index classes for transfers which either did not exist previously or has been increased.

@bboop42‌ Does this apply to all engineering students or those planning on transferring

The link below is for both GE student and Non-GE students. The way I read it is they have the same classes that must be complete prior to applying to either GE or a specific engineering major (CEE, ME, ESM,etc.). The difference is that non-GE students must complete the classes in #1 with a 3.0 or higher. All the other requirements items 2-6 appear to be the same regardless of transfer or existing GE student. Hope this helps.

Ok thanks! Also I know you said that AP’s don’t count towards the hours, but could I take the next level class. For example, I took Calculus BC at HS and got a score of 5 on it. Instead of taking single variable calculus again, could I take multivariable calc (or whatever math course is after single var calc) and have those hours added on. Thanks in advance.

I would say yes given classes within the College of Science and has the MATH prefix so would count towards the 12 credits. At least the way I read item #2 & #3. But as always, I would double check with a VT advisor during your orientation. Best of luck.