Transfer problems.

<p>My friend currently is at a community college, and wants to transfer to U of I as soon as possible. Most likely Spring 2007.</p>

<p>I heard people are having problems transfering right now. Is it just too overbooked? and is there any way around that(i.e applying really early?) any advice or information concerning would help.</p>

<p>thank you so much.</p>

<p>I'd be suprised if too many students had even heard back yet on the 31st when you posted. The beginning of the most recent transfer application period was only Jan 15th. (but i'd be interested to hear why you thought it was hard right now, cause i submitted an application :) )</p>

<p>Your friend needs to look at the open closed list. Not all the colleges take spring semester transfers. You will also be able to find a list of minimum GPA's to transfer to each college. You certainly need to have a GPA at at least the mark that they give. I'm thinking GPA's need to be quite a bit higher than their minimum to even stand a chance. For instance, the college of communications requires a 3.0, I have a 3.4...I'm pretty worried i'm not going to get in because the colleges up that minimum when it gets crowded. Apply early.</p>

<p>Drusba seems like the guy, or gal, to ask about your question. He or she seems very helpful with students questions. Maybe a Private Message?</p>

<p>haha oh, and P.S drusba, do you happen to know how much the minimum gpa requirements for transfers rise on average when things get crowded?</p>

<p>last year i got into a closed program as a soph by faxing a petition. i applied jan 15th when they started accepting apps and was accepted may 28th. that sucked...but here i am now! just be sure to send a petition with all of your admissions info.</p>

<p>Applying early,when they start taking apps, is better than waiting (although it does not create a significant advantage). Overall, transfer admission is not getting harder. In fact, it is actually getting a little easier because transfer applications have been falling somewhat the last couple of years. That does not mean it is "easy." Meeting minimum requirements for transfer does not guarantee admission and college GPA is the key factor for admission by transfer so the higher you are above the minimum GPA required the better your chances. Note, if you are trying to transfer in before junior year, that is significantly more difficult than doing so junior year; that has traditionally been the case.</p>

<p>In response to gt3000's post: Wow...i really hope it doesn't take that long this year. Aside from going insane over all the waiting, (i check it like three times a day as it is!) thats after most applicants are on summer break. I'd have tons of cancellation fee's at my current school and trouble getting a dorm at uiuc. ...That doesn't mean i wouldnt happily pay those prices. :)</p>

<p> was summer break and i didnt know where i was going to school in the next months.....some advice: try to see if you can get ahold of a dorm housing contract NOW...if they school wont give you one, look into living in private certified housing like Bromley or IT and fill out an app for one of those places. when i got in, i was very upset to hear that all the dorms were totally full. i had been told earlier that there would be spots for transfers, but i guess that was assuming i got in earlier. one of the reasons i got in so late was bc i only had one semester of college coursework done and they needed me to send my spring transcript- so i was deferred until they received it. let me tell you, that was the most nerve-wracking spring semester ever. but-- if i coudl have done one thing differently, i would have applied to live at bromley in like february!!!!!</p>

<p>When are transfers commonly notified of the decision? I called the Admissions office and they said they hope to have all letters out by the end of february. My guess is that they answer so many calls about freshman though that she didnt realize i had told her i was a transfer student and gave me the wrong date (end of feb doesnt make sense, it's not even the deadline for applying yet).</p>

<p>I have since called twice to see what their answers are if i stress i am a transfer student. Once i was told end of february, AGAIN. Another time i was told Mid april. DOES ANYONE KNOW!? haha its a bit frustrating.</p>