Transfer: Question about Pre-Req's


<p>So, my Freshman Fall GPA is 3.33.
C+ in History because I was ill and when I finally came back to class there was an exam -__-. Needless to say I failed.</p>

<p>My main point however, is this:</p>

<p>I have the chance to join the Honors program at my current community college. A university I'm looking to transfer to is Binghamton. The major I'm looking to choose is English. When you go through Binghamton's website for transfers and their intended major they list pre-req's that you can complete at your current school.</p>

<p>The Honor english classes are not in the pre-req's for Bing, so should I skip out on taking the Honors english classes for the Spring semester and just complete the pre-reqs?</p>

<p>My Spring schedule is: Oceanology, Shakespeare's Tragedies, Early American Literature, Algebra-Trig and Psychology 101. Totaling 16 credits.</p>

<p>Thanks for your advice :)</p>

<p>Just bumping this thread. :)</p>