<p>Hey everyone.</p>
<p>I'm currently attending my second year in a CCC. I'm hoping to be able to transfer to UCD by Fall 2013, but I've run into some complications. It turns out that I currently only have 29 units completed and the requirement to make a TAG is 30. My question is if whether or not AP exam units would go towards the transfer units, making it possible for me to successfully turn in a TAG? If it's of any concern, I'm going in as a Political Science major and I currently hold a 3.731 GPA. I'd be very much obliged to have this answered, as it would put my mind at ease.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, AP units do NOT count towards the 30 semester units requirement for TAG. Are you sure you only have 29? You (and/or a counselor) might want to double check that just in case.</p>
<p>Oh, well this is offsetting. Yea, I’ve went over my coursework dozens of times, I even had friends and family check over it. I’m planning to see a counselor soon. Has there been instances where people with only 29 units have been an exception and allowed a TAG anyway?</p>
<p>Nope. There is no subjectivity to TAG like there is to regular admission. They don’t make exceptions under any circumstance. I too had to take some Summer classes last year when I found out I couldn’t use my AP credits towards the 30 units for TAG. However, given your GPA, I wouldn’t be sweating to much over TAG. Don’t worry though, you’ll probably be accepted to all the TAG-able schools anyway if you will have all your pre-reqs and IGETC completed.</p>
<p>I have…GOOD NEWS! UC Davis (along with UC Merced? I think) are the only two UCs that take AP Credit into the unit count you need for TAG.</p>
<p>B) Unit requirements
- Students must have completed at least 30 semester (45 quarter) transferable units, including units for AP and IB credit, at the time the TAG is submitted. Students who have completed fewer than 30 semester (45 quarter) units do not qualify or a TAG. These students should apply for admission through the regular application process.</p>
<p>The key here is INCLUDING units for AP and IB credit. So if your AP test gives you credit at Davis, you should be good to go
. Still need to get to 60 semester units by the end of Spring Semester though!</p>
<p>Source: <a href=“http://admissions.ucdavis.edu/tag/criteria/F13TAG_criteria.pdf[/url]”>http://admissions.ucdavis.edu/tag/criteria/F13TAG_criteria.pdf</a> Top of page 3</p>
<p>^alphasigmafire is right. I was not aware that Davis allowed you to do that.</p>
<p>Well there’s only 2 schools that allow it, so it’s not real common knowledge.</p>