Transfer Question

<p>I recently applied to Gtown as a transfer student for standing as a sophomore. My grades for the first semester were great, but Im not to sure about my grades for the spring semester due to a heavier course load and harder classes. Does Georgetown require or expect me to send my final grades for this year before they mail out their decisions in June??</p>

<p>i'm in the exact same position as you. i'm sure you could call and ask whether they want your spring semester grades... i'll probably do that eventually or just send them in if they're good.</p>

<p>also, have you gotten any notification from GTown that your transfer app is complete? i haven't and i submitted everything well before the deadline...</p>

<p>i'm applying as a transfer too...i called gtown and they told me they'll only notify you if your application isn't complete. so i guess we shouldn't expect to hear anything from them till around june 1st.</p>

<p>yea i guess i should call. Its such a long wait till june. Do either of you know when we are supposed to get interviewed and if they contact us about them? Good luck and hopefully we will all be on campus next fall</p>


<p>You can call about the completion of your application, but you'll just get the same resonse Elgguj was given. </p>

<p>Also, interview assignments are mailed out as soon as your part I is processed. But Transfers must wait until all freshmen interviews are completed, interviews are madatory for freshmen. However, interviewers will have the discretion as to whether or not they want to or are capable of conducting Transfer interviews, interviews are optional for Transfers. </p>

<p>If you are to be interviewed, you'll receive a notice in the mail identifying your interviewer and info on how to contact him/her to make interview arrangements.</p>

<p>Having had many friends who transfered to Gtown, I can ASSURE you that your second semester grades are not a major deciding factor (Gtown doesn't ask for a midsemester grade report), as long as the grades are above a C and haven't dropped entirely, as in from all A's first sem to all Cs. Basically, Gtown will request a final transcript from your freshman yr institution, but will primarily use this for credit transfer.</p>

<p>In the worst case, if a course from second sem frosh yr is below a C, Gtown will have you repeat the course. Not the end of the world (and in many cases, a consequence of transferring). If you have to repeat a course, just take it on campus at GU the summer prior to enrolling, in which case, the credits will be counted as GU credits and start your GU GPA.</p>

<p>Bottom line is--if they see a strong HS record and solid first sem college record, they will admit you.</p>

<p>I did very well academically in h.s. but was not accepted into Gtown for college. academically I performed average this past year in college (i'm currently a freshman at Washington and Lee Univ), but my extra cirriculars are excellent (internships, ect...and i'm campaigning this fall for the prez election) and I can provide great rec's. Do you think i have a shot at transferring to Gtown business school for the 09-10 school year (to begin my jr year at Gtown)?? What would you advise me to do to stand apart from the crowd?</p>

<p>I'd say you are on the right track. I have many friends who transferred to Gtown in your situation. With strong HS scores, the Adcoms can obviously see you have performed well. With a strong college record, and cogent argument for wanting to transfer, presumably because it offers more than Lexington, VA, you should be competitive in the applicant pool.</p>

<p>I'm playing around in the Georgetown forum since I visited two weeks ago and am still in awe of the Exorcist stairs...</p>

<p>Anyway, as others have mentioned, no, you won't need to send in a mid-year report or a copy of your final grades from the spring semester prior to decisions being mailed... </p>

<p>I was admitted last year as a transfer, (although I went with Hopkins), and didn't send any additional documents in besides the application, recommendation letters, etc. </p>

<p>When you receive your credit evaluation a few weeks after being accepted, you will most probably need to submit your final transcript at that point, so you can receive a transfer credit review for courses taken during the spring. </p>

<p>If you haven't already, I would dig through the old transfer threads from 2007, there is a decent sized one for Georgetown, a lot of people replied with info...</p>

<p>Good luck! :D</p>

<p>to lotrfan,</p>

<p>now that i think about it i did not really express why i am so interested in attending Georgetown in the application essays. is there anything i can/should do to express why i want to go there. or will any attempt to send in an extra letter or something just be seen as an annoyance to a busy admissions office???</p>

<p>it is also the only school i applied to for transfer, so if i get in i would definately attend. Is there any way i can let them know this?</p>

<p>I don't think sending anything extra right now would help much. If you end up on the waitlist (I'm assuming there is one), then you should send them a letter about how you'll definitely go if they take you, blah, blah, blah. Just my opinion.</p>

<p>Does anybody know when decisions will be given?</p>

<p>decisions are supposed to be sent out on June 1st, but if you read the gtown transfer thread from last year, people started receiving their letters around may 15th even though the official date last year was also june 1st</p>

<p>For some applicants, the final GPA will be requested before the decision can be made. This request may be for students who were in special circumstances...</p>

<p>about my previous statement that students started hearing their decisions around may 15th last year, i just saw that some students said they have recieved their decisions this year, so its started.</p>

<p>I was accepted on Friday! Good luck to you all.</p>

<p>AT2011, just curious, could you post some stats?</p>

<p>Truly, I am sure they are high and I am sure he/she is from a good university. I am not getting a good feeling about Georgetown.</p>

<p>I'll admit that i have high stats and i have a good university... but i really have a bad feeling too. i guess we're all in the same boat.</p>