Transfer Questions!!!

<p>After finishing up my freshman year as a Biology major at a private liberal arts college I started looking into transferring to Geneseo for the approaching fall semester. I have lived near to Geneseo and therefore have visited many times and absolutely love the campus and the area. After applying and being accepted I am still unsure of whether or not this is the school for me. </p>

<li> How are the people at this school? Are they approachable? Kind? Fun? Outgoing?</li>
<li> Whats can you do as a college kid around Geneseo for fun (on and off campus)?</li>
<li> I know that at alot of SUNY schools the class size can be enormous and the professors have very little contact with their students. Is it like this at Geneseo? Or is their close student-professor contact.</li>
<li> How are the Dorms? Is the dorm they show you on the tour a typical dorm room at Geneseo?</li>
<li> What kind of people go to Geneseo?<br></li>

<p>However my main concern is the academic level at Geneseo. At my old college, which is a good college just not right for me, I maintained good grades (3.3 first semester, 3.92 second semester with A's in Biology and Chem). Is the coursework at Geneseo difficult to keep up with? Is it extremely difficult to adjust to the Geneseo curriculum as a transfer student?</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<li>I think the people at Geneseo are very nice and outgoing, but many of them are very similar. Greek life has a large influence here.</li>
<li>There are a lot of clubs and organizations on campus, which makes it a lot of fun, but there is not a lot to do off campus unless you have a car and even that can be boring if you don’t want to drive all the way to Rochester. It seems like most people on campus drink Thursday-Saturday because of the limited options</li>
<li>I’m a freshman (now sophomore) bio major. Of the ten classes I’ve taken at Geneseo so far, seven of them have had 40 students or less. The professors are extremely approachable and with the exception of intro classes and the large ged-ed classes, they are the type where the professor will know you by name.</li>
<li>The dorm they show you on the tour is by far the worst dorm on campus. Although some of the freshman and corridor-style dorms are old, they are still quite livable. The suites on northside are all beautiful and the dorms are definitely bigger than at other schools.</li>
<li>Geneseo has mainly white, middle-class students from around NY. There is some diversity and a bunch of international students, but not many from other states. Everyone is very friendly and they like to balance partying and studying</li>

<p>I really can’t speak of the relative difficulty of Geneseo since I don’t know where you went to school, but I will say that I find the workload very manageable.</p>

<p>I’m fine with drinking and partying but I also want to have good sober fun. Is it hard to find people who dont go out or are more laid back?</p>

<p>A lot of people in my dorm didn’t drink and had a lot of fun. Geneseo Late Knight puts events every weekend which are pretty fun. There are always going to be the people who drink and the people who don’t at every college and if you want to you can always find what you’re looking for and have a good time doing so.</p>

<p>hey. i just finished my sophomore year here at geneseo and as far as academics go sophomore year sucks as a bio major. are you planning to take orgo, physics and genetics/ecology all in the same year? if so it’s going to be hard no matter what school you go to. good luck</p>

<p>They would have me taking physics 1, organic 1, genetics and calc 1 all in one semester…</p>