Transfer Questions

<p>Couple Questions...
1) When do transfers find out their admissions decision? The deadline to find out is May 1st but I've heard it is more of a rolling basis when it comes to transfers. My information has been turned in since December. I was at a four year private college first semester and a community college this semester.
2)2.8 does that stack up?
3)Any other useful information?</p>

<p>Okay they can find out any time from now until I think it is May 1. People began finding out last year Toward the end of this month- with most people seeming to find out between the middle of march and middle of april. </p>

<p>2.8 will probably be difficult to get in with. What College are you transferring into? I transferred with a 3.6 from TNCC. I transferred to Pamplin.</p>

<p>Other info- just make sure they have everything they need to make the decision.</p>

<p>BTW- I found out the first week of April last year</p>