Transfer Scholarships?

Hi there!! What schools have limited options for financial help/scholarships for transfer students??

@mtAllDayEveryday I suspect that there are very few of us who have experience with this. That said, the conventional “wisdom” of this crowd has always cautioned that there is far less money available for transfer students. I would recommend contacting schools you’re interested in and asking about their financial aid for transfer students. Some schools have better websites and you may be able to get that information from the site. As an example, my son attends Molloy/CAP21. If you search for Molloy College scholarships for transfer students, you’ll get to a page that is scholarships for incoming freshmen and transfer students. If you look at each scholarship, it will become clear that nearly all of them are only given to incoming freshmen. I also wonder if you were really interested in a school where you basically start over and do a full four years to fulfill their BFA program if you could petition to be considered an incoming freshmen. Worth a shot anyway.

Thank you sooo much!!! This is very helpful!

I was a transfer student in 2014. The problem with being a transfer student is after you have accumulated 12 college credits, institutions will no longer consider you a first-time freshman, regardless of how many years you plan to be at their institution. I spent 4 years at my alma mater after transferring and was not able to be considered a first-time freshman. I found that most schools’ scholarship options for transfers were 25%-50% lower than those for incoming freshmen.