Transfer School Decision PLEASE HELP!

Hi everyone!
So I’m trying to decide which SUNY I should transfer to for fall 2016 and as a future applicant into their nursing program (I’m a freshman right now). I’m thinking about Binghamton, Plattsburgh, UAlbany, Old westbury, and University at Buffalo(blue logo one). Please, which one has a better nursing program and is also convenient in transportation?

-I know UBuffalo and Plattsburgh are really good for nursing with many opportunities available, but transportation may be an issue. Is the commute within campus and also to NYC worth it?

-What is social life like on these campuses?

  • I was also considering BingU, however I've read many posts about it being difficult to get into the nursing program there, and it being a very boring campus.
  • Old westbury is more of a safety school, but if their program is good, then I will go there since it is the closest to NYC.
  • And I know Albany doesn't have nursing, but I was maybe considering doing bio there depending on their credentials. PLEASE HELP! I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I really just don't trust rankings on magazines.