Transfer Student- Fall 2009

<p>Hey I am considering to transfer to SUNY Geneseo in the Fall 2009 semester, but I've been a bit nervous. If you are a transfer student, do you generally get roomed with a transfer student as well? Also, are the transfer students generally roomed close together or are they dispersed throughout the different dorm buildings. I am just hoping that I'm not in a dorm building where there are no transfers and friends are already established from freshman year. I'm also hoping that I get roomed with a transfer student instead of some weirdo who didn't get a roomate from freshman year (I know I'm being stereotypical; even though the student didn't have a person to room with, it doesn't mean hes a "weirdo"). I am viewing Geneseo rather pessimistically simply because I want to make sure whatever decision I make is the right one. I am currently at St. John Fisher and I like it here (the environment, friendliness, and teachers) but the reputation and cost (I'd save 7k a year) at Geneseo is calling me. Any and all help is appreciated, thanks.</p>

<p>Hey NYG, lucky for you, I just came back from an info session & I'm going to be transferring this fall. I talked to another student who transferred about housing, and she said that when she came in, they put all the transfers in one building together. However, now they match you according to your preferences (night owl, early bird, etc), and it sounded like she thought this was a more effective system. </p>

<p>I think the whole "people have already made their friends" thing is something that you really should not be worried about at Geneseo. Apparently there are around 600 transfers that come in each year, so you won't be alone. Plus with the transfer orientation that they have, you'll have a chance to meet new people before school even starts.</p>

<p>Honestly, I think people are more open to making new friends than we give them credit for. With 1 1/2 years of college under my belt, I made new friends every semester just from classes and clubs. And like I said, with so many other transfers at Geneseo, I think you'll find plenty of other people as eager to get connected as you are.</p>

<p>Here is a flyer that was for Spring '09 Transfers that sounds promising:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>And there is a facebook group called Geneseo Transfers Fall '09 you can join.</p>

<p>Hope this helps :)</p>

<p>It certainly did, thanks!</p>