Transfer student looking for college recommendations


<p>I'm a freshman at the University Of Rhode Island and I am planning on transferring somewhere warm! I can't stand these harsh winters anymore.</p>

<p>I'm an average student, got a 1620 on my SATs</p>

<p>Currently an Environmental Science major</p>

<p>Basically what I am looking for is a school in a warm climate, probably on the east coast, but I would consider California or Arizona.</p>

<p>Also, preferably a more affordable college (less than 30,000 per year if possible)</p>

<p>Appalachian University and Northern Arizona University seem to have everything I'm looking for minus the weather!</p>

<p>I love the outdoors and am a very laid back person. I just like to hang out and have good times. Not very preppy, I prefer the more bohemian style, like dresses or just jeans and a tank top. Listen to classic rock, alt rock that sort of thing.</p>

<p>I'm not so much into frats and sororities, clubbing, getting messed up every weekend isn't me. More of a house party person, I just like hanging out with chill people.
(Another big reason I want to transfer is because URI seems to be a lot of just jocks and nerdy types. I have never had trouble making friends, URI just doesn't have the type of people I connect with)</p>

<p>I want a college that has no religious affiliation. </p>

<p>Basically somewhere I can make good memories and get a good education.</p>

<p>Sit your parents down, and talk with them about how much they can pay. It is easier to transfer than it is to find scholarship money. You may have to hunt around a bit to find the major that you want at a place you can afford.</p>

<p>Three good search engines are:
[College</a> Navigator - National Center for Education Statistics](<a href=“]College”>College Navigator - National Center for Education Statistics)
[College</a> Search - Find colleges and universities by major, location, type, more.](<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board)
[College</a> Search - College Confidential](<a href=“]College”></p>

<p>Each of them includes somewhat different criteria, so you should run all three. Both the one here at College Confidential and the one at College Board let you specifically request “no religious affiliation”. With Navigator, you will have to check each institution separately or only search for public colleges and universities.</p>

<p>Wishing you all the best!</p>

<p>Michaelaajohnson - you sound much like my daughter. She doesn’t like parties but would rather have small, intimate gatherings with close friends or go do stuff with that same small group. </p>

<p>My daughter and I are attending a lecture at NAU on Thursday night and then doing a campus tour the next day. Though I went to the University of Arizona, I have several friends that I work with that attended NAU and they loved the experience. I hope my daughter gives it some serious thought. She’s only a sophomore but since we are already there for a lecture I figured we might as well check it out … it will provide a good baseline for her when she visits other colleges. </p>

<p>Flagstaff has some nice weather and the area is very pretty but they can get cold in the dead of winter.</p>

<p>Good luck!!</p>

<p>Flagler in St Augustine, FL</p>

<p>For california schools [Unofficial</a> Campus Tours](<a href=“”> Shoot them an email too. They are always ready to help and quick to respond.</p>

<p>I would second Flagler College in St. Augustine, Fl. I’m a current student & you sound like you would fit in quite well. It would be more affordable, warm, laid back, etc. Good luck!</p>

<p>Although I understand Flagler has all kinds of rules about residence halls, like males can’t go into female housing and vice versa, is not that correct? So non-traditional residence hall experience.</p>

<p>[Stetson</a> University](<a href=“]Stetson”>Home - Stetson University)</p>

<p>Was going to suggest Stetson (FL) but see it runs 46k/year.</p>

<p>Yes Flagler does have a no interdorm visitation policy. It’s not due to a religious affiliation, however. There are other aspects of the college that make up for it. Also, for what it’s worth, I’m fairly sure that once the last few original trustees retire from the board, that policy will be amended. Just speculation, but I think it’s plausible.</p>