Transfer Student Scholarship Notifications

<p>I'm assuming by now that I am not getting any money. I was accepted March 7 and have not recieved any notification of scholarships. Drats. Anywho, am I right in feeling discouraged? By the way, the only qualification for consideration was a college GPA of 3.75. I'd assume most of the acceptees met this qualification and were, therefore, considered. I did, however, have a 4.0 college GPA and ecellent EC and test scores. My high school grades weren't incredibly good -- my rank was 160 out of 900+. This was probably my downfall.
Congrats to acceptees!</p>


<p>As far as the scholarships go, they're pretty competitive for transfer students, they don't give out as many as when you enter as a freshmen. Now, I spoke to somebody from financial aid at UM and they told me that if you were to receive an academic scholarhips, you should've received with your acceptance package... I'm assuming you did not.
However, you still have to wait until the first week of April for your award letter, there you will see how generous UM is and then there you can get discouraged if you don't get anything good enough.
If you transfered with 30+ college credits then your high school stats are meaningless.</p>

<p>Anyway, I'm a transfer student too and I'm still waiting for that letter as well :(.
Good Luck!</p>

<p>Yeah, unfortunately I'll have less than 30 credits (I'm a freshman) because I got 4's on all my AP exams and UM accepts only one of these (US History) for credit. So, my high school grades are still a factor. Plus, I thought they would refer to High School stats to weed out students for scholarships. Anyway, I won't be qualifying for any other financial aid, although I do need it. It just looks like I don't according to the FAFSA.
Well, congrats. Good luck with everything. And thanks. I'm excited for next year! I'm transferring from FAU in Boca... You?</p>


<p>In that case your HS stats did matter to qualify you for scholarships.
Now, for financial aid that's another story... they do it need-based. In any case I think you'r confused, if when you filled out the FASFA you were not considered for the Pell Grant, that does not mean that you don't qualify for financial aid for UM. Their formula is simple; Total cost of attending - EFC ( from fasfa) = Financial need.</p>

<p>Now, if your EFC > cost of attendance, then there's no need.</p>

<p>I'm transfering from Miami-Dade for Computer Engineering.</p>

<p>What I meant was EFC> cost of attendence. But that doesn't mean I can afford what they say I can afford. That's what I meant. Thanks for your help and good luck!</p>


<p>Don't discount your AP classes just yet. Make sure you send Miami the scores from College Board if you have not done so yet. (Although I assume you have as part of your transcript). They will send you a letter telling you which courses were accepted and the official UM course name and number along with the credits for each class. They are more generous than you may think.
If you get enough credits you may be able to graduate a semester early and save on tuition costs!!!</p>

<p>Yeah, they sent that to me, thanks. I got 4's in Lit, Comp, Stats, US History, and a 3 on Calc AB. They only accepted US History for 6 credits. :(</p>