<p>Hey everyone, I've just got a quick question. I'm currently in a CC, and hoping to transfer to UIUC after finishing my associates. I'm looking ahead towards sequencing in future classes, and there are two classes that I'd be able to take over the summer that would allow me to set my courses up much more efficiently. </p>
<p>How unusual would it be for a transfer student to start in summer?</p>
<p>I started at my new school this summer. I think it’s pretty unusual, but not unheard of. The only difficult part is that most of the transfer programs, most importantly orientation, are done in the Spring and Fall. However one big positive about transferring in the summer is that the advisers and other support staff have much more time to meet with you (at least that was my experience) because you’re not competing with all the new freshmen and transfer students. </p>
<p>If you want to do research, positions are generally much easier to find in the summer because not only do a significant portion of students (aka potential employees/competition) go home, but also because professors have more time to devote to their research since they don’t have to teach or grade papers.</p>
<p>Thanks for the input. Good to hear that it’s not completely unheard of. I’d imagine that having a good reason for it would help.</p>
<p>Starting in summer would make a lot more sense for me. The upper level physics and math courses that I’d need to take would require two prerequisite courses. A 2 credit hour relativity and math applications class for the physics courses, and a fundamental mathematics course for the upper level math courses.</p>
<p>If I started in fall and had to start with these courses, it would basically necessitate me taking Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetic Fields, and Quantum Mechanics all at the same time, along with an upper level math course. That does not sound like fun. If I took these two prerequisite courses over the summer though, it would allow me to space these courses out more, and allow me to finish in two years.</p>
<p>Your situation sounds extremely similar to mine (well minus the relativity and math applications course lol). I’d call the transfer office, explain your predicament and ask if it’s possible to start in the summer. Even if they say no, many schools during the summer allow virtually anyone to take classes at the university for credit, even if they were never formally admitted. </p>
<p>Be sure to check that your school offers the relativity course during the summer. Because of massively decreased enrollment, quite a few courses aren’t offered during the summer term.</p>
<p>They do indeed offer the two courses I’d need during the summer. I checked the current summer schedule, and the schedules from the last few summers, and the two classes have been offered. They actually even offer online sections of both of the classes, which may be a good solution.</p>
<p>I’ll have to contact an admissions adviser there. I’ve got several other questions I want to ask them too.</p>
<p>Bump. Anyone else got any input on this?</p>