Transfer students-Anyone heard yet?

<p>Curious to know if any transfer students have heard from A&M?</p>

<p>My son found out thursday night and got his packet today! He is transferring into the school of Liberal Arts as a political science major. Gig EM!</p>

<p>My daughter was accepted as a transfer. She is a part of Blinn TEAM, but was admitted early. She is going into the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. She is currently in her second semester on Blinn TEAM.</p>

<p>Good luck to all the transfer applicants! Keep us posted.</p>

<p>@royaltygirl: wow! Congrats to your son. I am trying to transfer into LA College as well. May I ask your son’s stats (GPA, #of hours, community service, etc)?</p>

<p>@Tmd10609: Congrats to your daughter as well!</p>

<p>the transfer students that i know hear back last week.</p>

<p>@carly723 He has 54 hours from a Community College with a 3.98 :slight_smile: (so close…) I don’t know about the community service hours. It was a lot. His essay was really good. At least I thought so…</p>

<p>good luck! and Gig EM!</p>

<p>Does anyone know how long they take to admit transfers. Son is on review and a Blinn student (not Blinn team). He applied for transfer mid January. I thought they had to wait to make a decision until final spring grades and gpa came out.
Any thing you can tell me will help</p>

<p>As a transfer, the departments make the decisions. The longer someone goes without hearing the better…it means they keep making the cut. Also depends on the application date, the sooner you applied the sooner you should hear something.</p>

<p>We were told spring grades would be considered if necessary. For example, if the major required both courses in a sequence like two math courses then the college would consider the application after spring grades are received.</p>

<p>I’m sure process time depends on the college. What college did your son apply to in mid January?</p>

<p>College of Education/Kinesiology.
Thanks for the information. He is waiting on Spring grades for completion of a bio and math course to meet transfer requirements. Is that why they keep you on hold? Until spring grades come out?
he has kept in contact with admissions since he was not admitted for fall 2011, but I was really curious after reading that some have already been admitted but now understand that these students had enough credits and didn’t need to wait till spring.</p>

<p>jkb, in your case if he doesn’t have the required credits, they will reject him but then you can have his file reviewed after spring semester is completed. </p>

<p>that is what they told us, and we talked to the assistant dean of health/education.</p>

<p>the kids i know that just got admitted were in their fourth semester at blinn.</p>

<p>Yes you were correct @Mike Wozowski. He did get a denial today with a “we will review your file when your Spring Grades come out by June 1” and/or your major has not reached its capacity". Have no idea what his chances are now. But he is remaining hopeful that he can keep his GPA up and of course a flood of students don’t decide to major in Education/Kines.</p>

<p>@jkb2011, I received the same notice today! Im trying to transfer into the school of Liberal Arts, so hopefully there will be room for me…</p>

<p>March 1, 2012
Admission Decision</p>

<p>Your application for admission to Texas A&M University has been received and reviewed thoroughly by those most concerned with your admission. After carefully considering your application file, we regret to inform you that we cannot offer you admission at this time.</p>

<p>We will reconsider your application for fall admission if the following conditions are met:</p>

<p>we receive an official transcript with your current semester’s spring grades in the Office of Admissions by June 1, 2012 and
space is still available in your desired degree program for the Fall 2012 semester
These conditions for reconsideration are applicable to all U.S. citizens and international applicants studying in the U.S.</p>

<p>To view additional details regarding your application, access the Transfer Audit Report available on the Applicant channel in the Howdy portal. Be aware that applicants with less than 24 graded, transferable hours or cumulative grade point averages below 2.5 are automatically denied admission without review by the academic college.</p>

<p>We will keep your records on file for one year. You may receive consideration for admission to a future semester by submitting a new application, application fee, and other required credentials as noted on our website: Please be aware that required credentials are different for different application types and new essays must be provided with each new application. Updated transcripts may be required if additional coursework has been completed since last applying. For assistance regarding the application process, please contact an advisor at one of our Prospective Student Centers. Their contact information can be found online at</p>

<p>We appreciate your interest in Texas A&M University and wish you the best in your educational pursuits.</p>

<p>Admissions Selection Committee</p>


<p>I am also a liberal arts transfer and got the exact same message. Pretty disappointed because I thought I was an automatic admit because of my top 10% status in high school but I just read somewhere that it only applies to junior colleges, which I am not transferring from. I do not have 24 graded hours from my institution but will after this semester. I applied earlier in January so I am betting my transcript did not yet have my 2nd semester coursework on it yet. Does anybody know if I could be admitted provisionally once I send in an updated transcript, or will I have to wait until the end of the semester?</p>

<p>I actually got my Mays acceptance this afternoon on AIS, so the rest of you hang in there they are coming soon!</p>

<p>Congrats kgc123 for your acceptance to Mays. I have heard that is BY FAR the most competitive college for transfer admittance. That is wonderful news!</p>

<p>A bunch of people I know have been getting denied over the past couple of days! I’m still waiting to hear and I’m growing SO impatient!</p>

<p>I applied to the Liberal Arts College and my application was processed 2 and a half weeks ago. Does anyone know how long before I should hear something? Anyone else get accepted to the school of Liberal Arts?</p>

<p>I applied for ECO in Liberal Arts back in January. Still No news.</p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>