Transfer Students-Statuses and Updates

<p>Hello all!,</p>

<pre><code> I am still waiting for the decision. I am attending UW Whitewater and on my second semester of college. My stats (brief)

<p>-3.2 in a difficult high school
3 Years of French
AP Gov Class
Advanced English
Took all the mathematics courses required by UW Madison</p>

<p>-3.78 my first semester-17 credits
Letter of recommendation
Applying for Russian major </p>

<p>-Taking 15 this semester, with harder courses-Might not do as well (cross my fingers)</p>

<p>If I don't get in, I certainly am appealing. How about the rest you you all?</p>

<p>Well I am waiting till summer to apply for spring 2014 since my grades weren’t that great my first semester of college.</p>

<p>High School
3.87 GPA
ACT score- 29
3 years of spanish
AP Psychology
AP Medical Terminology
4 years of band, forensics, and drama</p>

1st semester GPA- 3.1 (17 credits)
includes biology and english courses that would transfer in as “intermediate level”
2nd semester (19 credits)- right now I have straight A’s except for a C in macro econ :/. Hoping to get a 3.8 overall in the semester which would bring my college GPA to a 3.5.</p>

<p>Still waiting…AAARG</p>

<p>Still waiting here too. Transfer from UW colleges. GPA: 3.88 (44 credits). I also signed up guaranteed transfer program. They’ve been reviewing my file for 3 weeks already.</p>