Transfer to Bard for computer science/math

My D is interested in transferring to Bard from her current school. She has almost enough credits to get her CS degree but because of mental health issues needs to move home, her docs all think she can finish her degree with home support. We live in a town close to Bard and it was a fixture in our area all through K-12 so she is very familiar with it. The commute is great! She didn’t apply there as a Freshman because they don’t have an engineering program, but she would be just as happy with a computer science degree at this point and may even have enough math credits for a minor in math. We really need to look into what she can transfer and what she can’t which is the next step. According to the website she has the grades, and a couple of profs said they would be happy to write recommendation letters so she might have a good chance of getting accepted. If it’s not worth it financially because she has too many classes to re-take we may just have her move home and commute to her current school 50 minutes away, she doesn’t drive so we have to take her. Because she will be living at home and attending part-time (again we have to see if that’s possible) it will cost about the same as where she is now.
Here are my questions, does anyone know what the computer science dept is like? Is it a BS degree or a BA? They have some interesting classes that aren’t currently available at her current school, but don’t seem to offer some of the more “traditional” CS classes I would expect. For example, their math requirement is not as stringent and it doesn’t look like they offer Computer Science III though it may be called something else. If you are in or were in the major, what are your impressions? Do you feel you’ve been adequately prepared in terms of technical training? I know if you attend Bard, your writing, communicating and critical thinking skills are well honed and will serve you well overall in your life, but do you feel like you’ve gained the ability to teach yourself new tricks as needed for your career?

This seems like a good idea to me but thought I’d ask the experts on CC.

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My son is an alum - and his roommate got a math degree at Bard. He is now working as a programmer in San Francisco. He enjoyed the CS and math programs and there’s lots of personal attention. On the other hand - the department won’t have all the offerings a larger university would. That might be just fine for your D at this time of her life and might be outweighed by the other advantages of its proximity. Does Bard allow part-time attendance? And how would she feel about the Senior Project requirement?

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