Transfer to BU, other BU (Binghamton), also looking for other schools

<p>Hey all,</p>

<p>I'm currently a Freshman at the University of Hartford and am looking to transfer to an overall better school. UHart is a decent school but it doesn't seem to be a "complete" school. It has almost pitiful clubs and student organizations, and it also seems to put a lot of its attention ($) into the Hartt School of Music as well as the Art School and Business school - all of which are decent. The College of Arts and Sciences is not so great, especially for an Economics major like myself.</p>

<p>I did really well my first semester and got a 4.0 taking these classes:</p>

<p>Honors Intro to Philosophy
Honors Rhetoric and Writing
Intro. to Sociology
Intro. to Computers (Computer Science class)
Environmental Sustainability</p>

<p>This semester, after actually being able to choose all of my classes i took:</p>

<p>Honors Rhetoric and Writing II
Living in the Environment
World Hunger
Global Political Economy</p>

<p>I'm very optimistic that I will get at least an 3.75 or higher this semester.</p>

<p>I do not know if I will have to submit SAT data because by the end of this semester I will have over 40 credits (including 13 credits from AP exams). My SAT math and writing was an 1170 - pretty low.</p>


<p>AB Calc - 5
U.S. Gov't - 5
U.S. history - 3
Both English courses - 3s</p>

<p>ECs (College)</p>

<p>Ultimate Frisbee Club
Honors Residential Life
Radio DJ
Community Service ~ 100hrs
*ECs at Hartford are hard to get into b/c they are so weak.</p>

<p>For schools, I'm very interested in Boston University because it is large, has a really good undergrad economics dept. (So I've heard), and is buried in Boston. I'm also interested in SUNY Binghamton because it would be cheap, and it is a great public school with a vibrant student body.</p>

<p>I've been looking at different schools constantly, trying to find ones that match my credentials and my interests. I've come to realize that I very much desire a school that interacts almost seamlessly with its community (ie something in the city, or in a neighborhood that is very devoted/ proud of its university).</p>

<p>Please tell me my chances, and possibly make some recommendations. </p>


<p>Yeah, <em>bump</em>.</p>

<p>it should be easy because its only from one branch to another</p>

<p>chance me
<a href=β€œ[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>what does that mean, β€œone branch to another?”</p>