<p>I am a recently admitted student to NYU CAS and was wondering how hard is it to transfer from NYU to Columbia. I understand I have not even started NYU but I always look ahead to the future and plan for potential endeavors.</p>
<p>I know they look at high school stats, which will hurt me...</p>
GPA: 3.66 Unweighted, 4.1 Weighted
SAT: 2150 (750 M, 710 W, 690 R)
Subjects: 710 History, 700 Math 2
Great Extra Curriculars
Most Rigorous Course load
<p>I can re-take the SAT or try the ACT for a higher score which I should be able to get. Suppose (hypothetically) I get close to a 4.0 GPA at NYU with decent Extra Curriculars at NYU, how realistic is this transfer? Do they weigh high school grades a lot because I have been slacking in my senior year...</p>