<p>I really want to go to UMD & I'll be upset if im denied acceptance. Im somewhat confident in my application but, I have a few blemishes in my academic history that are causing me to lose ALOT of sleep. I earned a 4.0 this year, my freshman year in school but when averaged with my previous transcript, it brings down my cumulative gpa considerably. Below is my profile...do you think I have a shot????</p>
<li>21 y/o</li>
<li>Sophomore (This Fall)</li>
<li>African-American Male</li>
<li>Maryland Resident</li>
<li>Community College - 12 Credits, 2.0 GPA (Bad time in my life) (2006-2007)</li>
<li>Delaware State University - 30 Credits, 4.0 GPA (Summa Cum Laude, President's List, Freshman Honors) (2009-2010)</li>
<li>Cumulative Grade Point Average - 3.42 GPA (Weight Avg / Both Schools)</li>
<li>SAT - Haven't taken since High School. University of Maryland website says Transfers dont have to submit scores.</li>
<li>ECs - Too many to list</li>
<li>Work Experience - Held various jobs since 14.</li>
<p>Unfortunately, most of the people who post here don’t have much experience with knowing what they look for in transfer students. The UMD site would really benefit from some people who have gone through the experience and have some real-world info on what it takes. Good luck!!!. Congrats on the past year. Hopefully, they will see that you’ve got your life on track and your younger days and ways are behind you…</p>
<p>However, in my pretty much uneducated opinion, I think you’ve got a really good shot. Hopefully you can explain those grades from CC in some way and they will see that you’ve really turned a new leaf. Worst comes to worst, you seem to really be succeeding at UDel and congrats for that. Let us know how things turned out so that we can give better advice in the future :).</p>
<p>hi, so take this with a grain of salt, since I haven’t looked into it in a year, but what I understand, for the MOST part, if a transfer has a 3.0, thats a very good indicator of admissions, thats like the ‘minimum’ recommended. Now I say that, but again, most transfers I remember talking to were coming from MD community colleges, which tend to get a bit of a preference, so I don’t know if you might be need a bit higher since youre coming from Delaware. But even if you need higher, a cumulative 3.42, in my opinion, is pretty strong, unless things have changed a bunch in the past year. Also, just like with freshman admissions, they’ll look at the fact that you started weak at community college, then took time off, and came to Delaware with what I would assume is a much stronger desire for education/work ethic/whatever the case may be. And also, if you are worried about your freshman grades (though I still think you made up for them) that is something you definitely want to talk about in your personal statement. They say the essay is optional, but since you mentioned it was a “difficult time” that is something admissions definitely needs to know about to make an educated decision. </p>
<p>OK, well those are my two cents, don’t hold me to it or anything, I’m hardly a counselor, but from what I’ve heard, thats my recommendations
GOOD LUCK!! Also, you’ll want to apply ASAP, I think March may have been the priority deadline for Fall (you didn’t say what term u were applying for) but definitely applying earlier is better.</p>
<p>(my sister applied from another state school, and I have friends who transferred from the local CC, so I know a little bit about transferring, but not a ton)</p>