Transfer to UVA

<p>I'm VERY intereseted in transfering to The University of Virginia!
In High School I had a 3.4gpa with a 1810sat, couple AP's, and a few honors classes, president of my class for three years, member of two other clubs including the National Honor Society, top 25%, loads of volunteer work and community service, great recomendations from local church and my school, worked part time throughout.</p>

<p>At a local community collge in NY state (Top 25CC in the country) I have my gpa up to a 3.8, have a leadership position in the Political Science club, and work part time.</p>

<p>I would enter UVA as a junior political science major, so the age old question; What are my chances?</p>

<p>Also, i know my SAT's are sort of low so would they accept scores if i did the SAT's again while in college...and is it even worth it since I would be applying as a third year student</p>