Transfer to UW Seattle after one year?

I got rejected from uw Seattle recently, and instead of going to a community college, I’m planning on going to uw bothell and transfer to uw Seattle. however, do I have to wait two years to transfer? I want to get into Seattle asap so is it possible to transfer after one year?

Go to community college. UW hates transfer from 4 year universities. My friend had a 4.0 at UW bothell and got denied. Unless u have a valid reason (like ur major isn’t at UW bothell) they won’t let u attend

can I go to bothell for one year, go to cc for one quarter, then transfer to Seattle?

There is no point in going to CC for a quarter. They prioritize people transferring with AA’s.

Is there a reason why Seattle prioritizes students from cc?

Probably because they don’t see a need for accepting you. UW Bothell is a 4 year university. Why should they accept you over a community college student that doesn’t have access to a bachelors degree? (community colleges typically only have 2 year degrees) They need to give everyone the opportunity to get a bachelors degree. UW-B can do that. UW is a state university. They need to prioritize giving as many qualified Washington residents as possible an education

Dang itttt. sorry for asking so many questions… but what about going to cc for a year and transferring to Seattle? I really absolutely don’t want to go to a cc but apparently that is the best option in my case

Yes you can go to CC for a year and transfer, but before all of that – what is your problem with CC? I didn’t even attempt to apply to UW Seattle, did my first two years at Bellevue, then transferred into UW Seattle with no problem. When I graduate I get a degree from the UW just the same as everyone else does…

From the transfer section of UW’s website:

Applications Received 5,742

Students Offered Admission 2,189 (38%)

New Transfer Students Enrolled 1,551

From Washington two-year colleges 86%
From four-year colleges and universities 14%
Transfer Student Profile

Mean GPA 3.47


Your plan is risky. If you go to Bothell, you better be satisfied if you finish up there. I get this from UW’s perspective as they know Bothell and Tacoma campuses are generally considered consolation prizes and they undoubtedly value enrollment predictability for the system as a whole. As such, it’s in the entire system’s best interest to make this strategy difficult.

community colleges aren’t just the right environment for me :expressionless: I don’t like small colleges and I feel like I will be extremely unhappy at bothell and bc, so I would want to get out asap…

so what is the best plan for me???

How could anyone answer this question for you? We don’t know anything about you beyond you got into Bothell and not Seattle.

Do you have access to a GC? If you don’t, what are your stats, interests, desires, and financial constraints?