Transfer troubles! Help?

<p>Alright, so I am hoping to transfer for Fall 2012. I attended a UW 2 year, got a 3.6 GPA for 15 credits. Then went to an OOS state last semester, got a 2.92 GPA, mostly because Biology and Calculus classes which were 5 credits and brought it down (I am Sociology major, science/math aren't my strong suits). ACT in high school was 28.</p>

<p>So what I'm asking is, do I still have a chance? I know on the website it says you need a 3.0 or above. Do you think my success at UW community college will help??</p>

<p>Not optimistic about your chances.</p>

<p>If you really want to go to UW, spend an extra semester getting all As or close to it and you should be fine. Right now I’d say it would be iffy.</p>