<p>I posted a similar post in MHC but the thread is dead so I thought I would have luck here</p>
<p>Hi and thanks for stopping by like the title says i'm hoping to transfer into a women's college by Spring 2013.</p>
<p>i'm in the application process now and I've already drawn up a draft of my essay and I would like if someone would take the time to read over and help revise my essay. I really need help in order to stand out because the fact is I have a pretty colorful history when it comes to my transcript I was academically dismissed from one school (no there is no sob story I honestly wasn't focused, I was lazy and I paid for my actions) and I am now attending a CC which I have 3.8 and even with this high g.p.a( well what I would consider to be high) it's going to be really hard for an admissions officer to overlook the academic dismissal from my state school. I need a strong and powerful essay that can stand out and although it will not overlook the academic dismissal it will somehow balance it out...to some degree I hope</p>
<p>I need the most help I can get so I would greatly appreciate if one or more of you guys would be willing to help revise and give harsh criticism if needed on this essay. </p>
<p>hopefully I get a reply soon thanks</p>
<p>did the women’s thread just die after posting this???</p>
<p>Good luck and tell your story as truthfully as you can. Be honest to a point and really talk about then and now. Hi light growth and recent academic achievements. Advocate for yourself.</p>
<p>So I just found out that my CC has an Articulation Agreement with Mount Holyoke and Smith I’ve been so excited I don’t know what to do </p>
<p>I know that this has popped up millions of times and I would hate to have to make it seem that at but honestly speaking</p>
<p>What does Mount Holyoke have that Smith does not have? (it can be the academics,scenery,social atmosphere, really anything that drew you into go to mount holyoke and vise versa with smith)</p>
<p>I know that not everyone’s experience is the same nor are we same people but it would definitely help by getting another perspective looking into someone else’s lens.
It’ll be much appreciated</p>
<p>Quick question, have you considered posting this on the Smith and MoHo forums? I don’t know about MoHo, but I know there are tons of Smith alums/parents who jump on questions such as these/will direct you to old threads! </p>
<p>I’m a rising sophomore at Smith. I visited Smith and MoHo on the same day my junior year and for me, there was no comparison–I didn’t even apply to MoHo. Northampton is way bigger than South Hadley, and the campuses are very different. MoHo gave me the impression of a more gothic, traditional college–lots of stone buildings, greenery, etc. Smith has a wide variety of architectural styles that I love. Also, at MoHo my parents and I couldn’t find the tour and the admissions office was extremely unhelpful, whereas at Smith we got a personal tour! Most Smithies and MoHos I know looked at both schools and one just clicked over the other. </p>
<p>Overall, my decision came down to atmosphere. I didn’t feel at home at MoHo, whereas I was hooked on Smith with the first word out of the admissions officer’s mouth! Also, I love Smith’s housing system–we live in houses of 10-100 people and have tea every Friday. </p>
<p>If possible, I encourage visiting both of them in person to see which is the better fit for you. And also, with the lovely 5 College Consortium you can take classes at either college, no matter where you end up going.
If you have any questions about Smith, feel free to message me! I’ve had absolutely the most incredible experience both with the college and the alum network thus far, and I love to talk about Smith and answer questions.</p>
<p>thank you so much, i’ll definitely listen to your advice and i’ll definitely talk to you if I have any other questions</p>