
Hi everyone I have a 3.2 gpa, I am planning to keep it this way or bring it up. I graduate next semester(december) from cc fingers crossed do any of you think I have a chance of getting accepted?

I have the same question too. But from what I have read on their website, they don’t have a specific GPA requirement, but admitted applicants had a 3.6 GPA average.

They state on their website that they want at least a 3.0 for transfer applicants so you are probably okay, although I have read from others that they were rejected with a 3.2. Re Tulio Mac posting: the 3.6 is for freshmen admits. My son is in a rigorous dept. and transferred with a 3.2 GPA. But there are other variables for admission (the competition in your department, the strength of your entire application). Try to bring up your GPA, and of course, there will be less worrying. My son did not get a merit scholarship with his GPA, however. I read that someone with a 3.4 got a generous merit scholarship (which was surprising to both her and me).

“Successful applicants are earning a “B” or better in their core classes.” CORE classes, not all classes.

When writing your essay of why you’d like to attend, look online for advice—this essay is not the same as an essay for a freshman application—you will need to hit certain points in your essay. If you have already toured the campus, you can mention that in addition to other reasons. Colleges want to know why THEIR school vs. another and it can’t be all social or campus beauty.

Also realize that they will want a letter of recommendation so start working on your profs now so you get a good one written (can’t remember if they want 1 or 2, look at Common App). Best wishes.