<p>is there any difference from transferring from either a university or a community college?
or is it all the same to UT? lets say u try to transfer from Baylor with a 4.0 and a lot of extra curricular things. would they look at it the same way if you were to try to transfer from Austin community college with a 4.0 and with the same amount of extra curriculars ?</p>
<p>Purely anecdotal, but I know of a number of kids who went to ACC, made outstanding grades, and transferred into UT when they had 30 hours.</p>
<p>ACC has classes that transfer easily to UT, and many UT students take concurrent courses or summer school there. Since, as a freshman, you would be taking required courses (English, Govt., Math) etc. you would not be behind. Just make sure you are taking courses that track into your eventual major, which if you are on a pre-med track, you would be applying to the college of natural science.</p>
<p>someone told me that they don’t care where you transfer from. all they care about is your GPA. so if a kid from ACC has a GPA of 3.6 and a kid from A&M has a GPA of 3.5 then they will give the person with 3.6 GPA at ACC a better chance. so yea just keep your GPA high no matter where your going because GPA is all they really care about.</p>
<p>this is correct, UT does not care what college you take your classes from as long as it’s a college. They cannot penalize a student that has to go to a community college because he/she can’t afford a 4-year school or because of some other reason.</p>