Transfering and Nursing! HELP

<p>Hi. ok my question is that is whats my best option in this situation? </p>

<p>I'm a college freshman at FDU. And my fam wants me to transfer to Rutgers because its closer. I applied to that college when I was a high school senior, didnt get in because of bad grades..low gpa. I had a 2.56..something like that. Anyways I'm already into my 2nd semester at FDU. In my first semester I didn't do so well. I ended up with a 1.86 gpa. Yes ik very bad. Like any college they only accept transfer credits of grades of C or better. Well to get that gpa...i didnt get a c or better. In one class I got a D. and then two i believe I got a C-. What should I do in this situation? Please help. </p>

<p>And another thing...I didn't get into the Nursing Program at FDU. I've ony taken Bio-Human A&P so far these semesters. But I didn't do so good. My first semester I ended up with a C-. I don't know how to go about this. As of right now I'm doing ok in that class. I really do want to be a nurse though. What do you guys suggest I should do? In both situations. Please Help.</p>

<p>I know exactly where you’re coming from. I’m also a nursing major. I went to Penn state but didn’t do so well either. I had a 2.5 and in order to get into the nursing program you needed at least a 3.8. I didn’t even bother applying because my GPA was nowhere near there. So staying in Penn State wasn’t going to do me any good. So, as much as it killed me I came back home and went to a community college. It saves money and it’s a chance to raise your grades. Since you just started college you still have time. Since I came back, I’ve raised my GPA A LOT. I have a 3.6 now and I’ve even gotten on the honors list.
Now I’ve applied to Rutgers as well and now waiting for a response. This time I actually have a chance of getting in. </p>

<p>So I believe your best option is to leave FDU, save some money and go to a CC and try raising your gpa there. I live by FDU and I know it’s not a cheap school. </p>

<p>I hope this helped and good luck.</p>

<p>Another thing, if/when you go to a CC and you do really well, Rutgers will see that you’ve improved. Someone said they like to see improved grade trends, so that might help and they will probably consider you.</p>

<p>You won’t be able to transfer to Rutgers with those grades. NJ residents may call Rutgers a state community college, the reality is that it is not an easy school to get into. </p>

<p>If you are willing to be patient, you could try the nursing program at your local community college. In order to apply, you will need to have completed 2 semesters of anatomy and physiology. After that, you can apply. Just be aware that you might not get accepted. </p>

<p>Also, you need to know that in order to remain in any nursing program, you can not get a grade lower than a 75. With your current grades, I wonder if you will be able to have the gpa that any nursing program requires. </p>

<p>If you goal really is to be a nurse, then you may want to focus on learning the study skills that you will need in nursing school.</p>