Transfering as a junior?

I’m currently a junior, however I’m taking the fall term off this year to work and do transfer apps for the spring. Does anyone know if it NYU accepts juniors through spring transfer? I plan on graduating Spring 24, but the way my academic history is set up thus far might make it seem as though I plan on graduating next year since I have 74 credits. Any advice?

Nyu transfers get no housing and little to no FA. Are you a NYC resident ? What’s your GPA ? What would your major be? Why NYU?

I am not a NYC resident, but I have friends in the city that I could live with for less than room and board. I have a 3.5 GPA at a top liberal arts college (I skipped all 100 levels and have taken exclusively upper level classes since I was a freshman so unfortunately my GPA isn’t very padded). I want to go to NYU because I feel like I’ve outgrown my current institution and feel like I would have more opportunities at NYU.

You have a shot.
The main issue will be cost. How much can your parents pay?
Would your friends rent you a couch? Do they have an extra “room” (sometimes, it means a windowless closet)? Check to make sure you could live with them. Space is tight in NYC.

If you have outgrown your current institution, apply to a variety of NYC universities: the CUNY with the best reputation for your major and Fordham in addition to NYU?

I’m not trying to transfer just to be in NYC so I probably won’t be applying to Fordham or a CUNY. My question wasn’t about the logistics of living in the city, rather whether it would be viable credit-wise.

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Yes you may apply for Spring transfer. When you may graduate is dependent on how many of your classes transfer for credit.