Transfering from OU to OSU. Input?

<p>So don't get me wrong I love the small little college town of OU but I'm a mechanical engineer (Freshman) and I feel my teachers just don't give two craps. I have engineering friends at OSU and they all say the teachers are more than great and willing to help you. I've gone to see my profs during office hours and they are no help STILL. Ohio State was my original choice in high school but I slacked off hard then. I plan on transferring after I complete my freshman year which will put me at about 47-52 credit hours. I'm in AFROTC if that has any impact on decision. My question is roughly what am I looking at GPA wise to be accepted as a transfer?</p>

<p>According to tOSU Common Data Set <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; they will definitely look at your college transcript probably won’t need to provide HS transcript or scores since you’ll be over 45 qtr hours. You’ll definitely want as high a GPA as you can get, probably above a 3.0. Are you getting a ROTC scholarship? If so you’ll have to see how that will work.</p>

<p>I’m not currently on scholarship. I was just wondering if anybody had transferred in and had personal experience they could share. I figure after my freshman year would be the ideal time because both OU and OSU are changing from quarters to semesters.</p>