<p>Hi there</p>
<p>I am currently applying to my local state university as a xfer student. I have 1 year of community college credits. My dream was to attend one of the Seven Sisters colleges and I am seriously considering applying. I was wondering if anyone has any experience transferring there from a CC or a state university? As far as being accepted, etc. If anyone has any insight or experience that would be great. For the record, I am 21 (turning 22 next month) and originally from WA state but moved to AZ and the state college I am applying to is ASU.</p>
<p>Thanks :)</p>
<p>my friend transferred from SUNY binghamton to smith. she loves it and says it completely changed her life. it’s definitely possible
she had a 3.8 or so gpa and a 96 average from HS. she went in as a soph</p>
<p>Smith and Mt. Holyoke are very transfer-friendly, I think. Similar rates for transfer admissions as freshman admissions (~40-50%). Not so easy for Wellesley, Barnard, Bryn Mawr. Do some research, show some interest (interviews if available) and good luck. :)</p>
<p>Smith and Mount Holyoke are VERY fond of transfer students (just like birdhouse said). I applied to both and was accepted to both, transferring as a rising sophomore with a 3.7 gpa. However, I know that they are especially fond of nontraditional students. if you’re almost 22 and are looking to transfer, you must have taken time off or gone part time for a time - either way In my experience in applying to the seven sisters - they’re all a lot smaller than many other schools and they really pay attention to their applicants as people and try to give everyone the opportunity to go to school where they want to go. Also, they’ve been really helpful on the financial aid front. I think if it’s a place you’re really interested in going, then try. :)</p>