transfering gpa question

<p>So I currently are enrolled in a community college in upstate ny, hold a gpa of 3.9 at the school. I spent two years prior to attending this CC at SUNY Morrisville where I have a gpa of 2.2 My question is this fall is my last semester at CC and now I was wondering with both schools my gpa comes out to a 2.7 now should I stay on pace and keep up with a 3.90 to 4.00 average this fall its obvious the gpa will go up. </p>

<p>So what I guess my question is how do I handle the applications i'll be filling out shortly...? Do I simply give them what I have accomplished through the spring of 2007? Or is there anyway I can help the admissions process by including grades from the fall of 2007?</p>

<p>First of all, congratulations on your turnaround. </p>

<p>You might receive a mid-semester grade request from one of the colleges you're applying to. If you're still getting straight A's at that point, then they'll know your upward trend is permanent. How many credits are you transferring from the CC? </p>

<p>BTW, I also go to a CC in upstate New York (Westchester Community College.) It doesn't exactly reflect well on community colleges in general when you use the sentence: "I currently are enrolled in a community college."

<p>all your base are belong to us</p>


<p>Where are you trying to transfer? Most transfer deadlines are in March of 2008 (for fall 2008 transfer), which means your fall 2007 grades will be part of the application.</p>

<p>In some situations, like the UCs, the deadlines are in November - so you'd only be able to provide your grades via a mid-term report. Are you in a state like that?</p>

<p>thank you, kevingolson.</p>

<p>Yeah, well, most people on this board (and in general) think that community college students are nothing more than barely literate high school dropouts suckling from the teat of government welfare. </p>

<p>It's important we prove that we can at least correctly form a complete sentence.</p>