<p>Im currently a freshman at UIC. I wanna get a degree in engeneering and have been contemplating on whether I should transfer to a better school. By the end of the year Im hoping to have my GPA around 3.5 and I got a 34 on my Math ACT and 26 on the Scinece ACT with a 24 subscore(I sucked at reading and Enlgish). I plan to have all my gen eds done by summer so I ask... How bad or good are my chances of getting accepted as a transfer student to a TOP SCHOOL?</p>
<p>Top school’s acceptance rates are usually lower than normal freshman transfer rates.
I think if you wanted to transfer to a top school your gpa should be a bit higher since engineering as a transfer major is probably one of the very popular ones at most schools.</p>
<p>Look into USC, Cornell, and perhaps Northwestern which take a good number of transfers. PS Post on the transfer section.</p>