Transfering to UM?

<p>Ever since I started high school UM has been my dream school, but in my senior year of high school money was tight and my parents werent sure about tuition. Now I am in my second semester at a really low rated school in Richmond and I was wondering what kind of stats are needed to transfer to UM. Im going to send in my app maybe this or next week. Also, what is the housing situation for a sophmore transfer like me? Would it be possible for me to get a dorm room?</p>

<p>My daughter transferred as a junior. UM was her dream school and my husband and I are both alum and she didn't get in the first time around. She went to Ithaca College and hated it. You need approximately a 3.2 GPA. Housing is not guaranteed for transferrs or foreign students, you may end up at the Holiday in across the street or the Dadeland marriot, but they have a UM shuttle system called the Hurry'Cane. My daughter did get housing, because she was a legacy and it turned out to be a nightmare. We ended buying a condo across the stret from the University and she found a really nice girl to live with. Most , not all students move off campus after freshman year. There are plenty of apartments, many dumpy, that are close to the school or people rent houses. The traffic on US 1 is unearable so it is advisable if you opt for off campus to find some place within about a 3 mile radius. Miami has a website under the housing section with listings of available off campus housing, rooms for rent or students looking for roommates. My daughter found hers that way, it was a girl looking for a roommate. The transfer orientation is not particulalrly good, so I would say that my d's first week or so were miserable, but she loves it now and Ithaca is just a distant memory. So send in the app, make sure you write a great transfer statement, even though it isn't required and Good Luck!!!! :)</p>