Transferring between schools?

<p>I will be a freshman at WUstl this fall and am currently enrolled in Artsci. However, I've been thinking increasingly of doing a business-related major. The only reason I enrolled in Artsci was because I had initially set my mind on doing a science major with the pre-med track.</p>

<p>Now, however, I am thinking of still pursuing my pre-med track but doing a business major instead. Is it difficult to switch schools? Right now, most of my preliminary classes are fulfilling my pre-med requirements and I haven't really got a chance to take any classes for my major. When would be a good time (if at all) to switch schools? How difficult would you say a business+premed track would be? How different are the requirements for Artsci and Business?</p>

<p>I've been really worried about this for a while, so any answer would help.</p>


<p>It is very easy to transfer between school at Wash U. I will be a sophomore this fall but last year I started out in the engineering school. After one semester I decided to switch to the Olin Business School. All I had to do was get a form signed by my advisor in the engineering school and an advisor at the business school. </p>

<p>So I think a good time for your to switch would be after your fall semester but you could even do it after your entire freshman year. I knew someone who is graduating in 4 years with a double major in the business school. He transfered into it after his freshman year.</p>

<p>As far as a business + pre-med track goes, I think it would be very feasible. You just need to decide if you are planning on applying to med school afterwards then maybe a pre-mad major and a business minor would be better.</p>

<p>From what I've heard the requirements for Artsci work with the "cluster system" which I've heard can get complicated. In the b-school the requirements are very easy to fulfill and it's very easy to do a double major since a lot of them require the same core courses. You should check out the olin website.</p>

<p>Hope that helped!</p>