Transferring Colleges Senior year


I am looking to transfer colleges for my senior year. Family issues have come up and I need to transfer closer to home (preferably close to Los Angeles).

Are there any colleges that I could transfer to and not have to take a minimum of 2 years at that college?

Thanks for any information that you can give me.

You’ll really want to do this research yourself. Tedious, I know, but yours is a pretty unusual request requiring very specific knowledge, most of which we don’t have. I’m pleased to hear that you will be continuing your education. Stick with it and get that degree.

Another option you could inquire about at your current U is if they could allow you to take online or distance courses for your SR year, so you could still get your degree from them. Agree with post #1 tho, failing that you will have to do your own research. A goodly # of Us do require you to have 2 years with them for the degree, especially most of the coursework in your major. Good luck!

I’m sorry I have not heard of that. Could you tell your major and gpa and possibly the school you are transferring from? Can you take a leave from your school and return in a semester or year?

If worse come to worst you can try Thomas Edison State College, NJ. It is a legitimate public university that has online classes and is generous with credits. You might try other nonprofit uni’s like University of Maryland - University College. Or Oregon or Colorado. And Southern New Hampshire. Beware for profits.