<p>Hi all,
I'm planning on transferring out of my college for fall 09. I like where I am, but I found a school much better suited to my needs and my major. I'm currently at Saint Michael's College in Vermont and am looking to apply to Barnard College, Skidmore, Boston University, Middlebury College, and Bryn Mawr College.
I just wanted to know about the transferring process, I've read the sticky about it, but should I contact admissions counselors? What should I say to them? Also, I don't think my first semester is going to be that great. It's probably going to be mostly B's and B+'s, but I'm really trying to work hard these next few weeks to bring my grades up through final projects, essays, exams, etc.
I had a pretty strong high school record, in my eyes, anyway.
I had a 3.8 GPA and tooks honors and AP classes. I was in the top 10% etc etc. My SATs were okay (1850 super score). I'm also wondering if these schools seem impossible, if you have any suggestions for other schools with strong a strong French department and possibly dance, and words of wisdom for transferring.
<p>just work as hard as you can to make yourself the most competitive applicant. work hard at establishing connections with 1 or 2 professors so that they will agree to write you recommendations. and when you write your transfer essay make sure to detail how and why programs at those schools are better for you and your major.
when you submit your information, get email addresses of the person reading your application and write them an email introducing yourself.</p>
<p>and yes, transferring is sticky. im in the process of trying to right now. but its worth it if it will make u happier.</p>
<p>you can get the email address of the person reviewing your application??</p>
<p>what are your ec’s?</p>
<p>your sat score may hurt you as will the fact you are not doing as well as expected in your only semester in college…a downward trend is certainly not attractive to most colleges</p>
<p>i would say middlebury and barnard are out of reach…skidmore and bu are within range if you can put your stuff together this semester or, better yet, wait another semester to transfer</p>
<p>My ECs are Honors Program Student Committee, MOVE (community service), dance 2x a week, and in high school I did community service, piano, and ballet.
I forgot to add that I’m in the Honors program at my school. I really think that as long as I put my butt in gear for finals I can get As in my classes, from what I can tell I have close to As in 3 of my 4 classes. My lowest grade will certainly be computer science, but since that is not in my major do you think it will affect me a great deal? Also, I kind of want to get my rec from my CS professor because I went in for extra help every week and got a tutor. Would that be advisable or should I get a rec from a prof. whose class I’m doing well in?</p>
<p>Scratch BU for some reason I thought they had a French major :</p>