Transferring for sophomore year

I was recently denied for the fall of 2016 year for TCU. TCU is my absolute dream school and I’m willing to go to a local university for a year with the hopes of transferring to TCU as a sophomore. Does anyone know if admission counselors would look at my high school grades for their decision? If anyone has done this before I would really love some tips. Thank you!

Hey I am trying to transfer to TCU right now as a sophomore I am just waiting on their decision. However I do know that if you have 30 hours or more they will no longer look at your high school transcript. I got denied as a freshman too and it was really important to me to make sure they only looked at my college gpa. I recommend going to an easy school because they may look at the college you went to but I have heard they don’t care where you went, it is all about the gpa you make. So don’t kill yourself going to a hard school just because you think they will take it into consideration.

After 24 college credits, they will no longer ask for a high school transcript. You will be asked for a transfer from all previously attended colleges and an essay (statement of purpose). ACT and/or SAT scores are optional.