<p>I realize that admission into any of these schools is exceptionally difficult, and transferring makes it that much more unlikely, but I was curious about those who did succeed in transferring from a community college. What did your stats look like (GPA, ECs, etc...)?</p>
<p>This is what I'm working with:</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0
SAT II: Pending
ECs: Honor society president, lots of community service, math tutor, boys and girl club (mentor/tutor), science club (officer position), performance dance ensemble, and more that I'm forgetting at the moment.
Ethnicity: African American</p>
<p>If anybody out there was accepted as a transfer from a CC, please let me know what you did!</p>
<p>Stanford takes 20 - 40 transfer student a year. About a 1.5% acceptance rate. They seem to look for students with out of this world amazing hooks–a zoo of rare birds so to speak. Ex-Marines. Male cheerleaders from the Pacific Rim. A 50 year old writer and mom of 4 boys. Etc.</p>
<p>Your ECs are extremely normal so far.
Not nearly rare-bird quality that Stanford seems to look for. Your profile would probably get you into many elite colleges and universities, but Stanford transfer apps should be approached like an expensive $90 lottery ticket. Be sure to take a MUCH wider look at excellent colleges because Stanford et al turn away hundreds and thousands of 4.0 students every year.</p>
<p>I know its a snowball’s chance in hell. Aside from my academics, I actually do have somewhat of an interesting story (overcame a battle with disease, crackhead father, had to leave home early, etc…). I’m pretty confident that I won’t get in. This was more to see what, exactly, people did to get in so I can at least give myself the best possible shot. But, as statistically so few actually do it, they probably won’t read this. Thought I’d give it a shot.</p>
<p>Thanks for your response :)</p>