Transferring from a University vs. Community College

<p>I am currently enrolled for CSU Chico for fall 2014, but I was considering just going to a community college, like El Camino. I know I want to transfer after a couple years to these schools: UC San Diego, UC Irvine, SDSU, or LBSU.</p>

<p>What are disadvantages/advantages of transferring from a 4-year university vs. a community college?
What would be the better choice?</p>

<p>Thank you for helping me out.</p>


<p>Pros: Cheaper
Easier to transfer</p>

<p>Cons: Longer (The avg cc student takes 3-4 years to graduate/transfer)
Class conflicts</p>


<p>Pros: Easier to transfer on time
More expensive</p>

<p>Cons: Less priority upon transfer </p>