<p>Hey! I'm a junior considering transferring to my local public school. Currently I go to the top high school in the state. </p>
<p>I was a good student my freshman year, but my sophomore year took a nosedive. This was largely impacted by a couple of my teachers getting arrested, a couple of my friends committing suicide, etc. It was honestly a really bad year. I basically shut down and stopped caring for the last quarter and all my grades just went down. </p>
<p>I am involved in my school, but my huge extra curriculars are actually outside of my school. If I transfer to my public school, I will be the founder of 3-4 new clubs.</p>
<p>The concern that I have is that schools will see that I had a bad sophomore year and then that I transferred and say "oh my goodness she transferred from a top school to her public school. HOLY **** <em>denies admission</em>." </p>
<p>My GPA and Class Rank will also experience a huge boost. I went from being 17/212 to the bottom 75th percentile. This is REALLY bad. Here's my high school life (basically): </p>
<p>Freshman Year Courses:
H Civics/World Geography
H Biology
H Algebra II
H Geometry
H Research (1 Sem)
H Wellness/Fitness (1 Sem)
H Orchestra
H Language Arts 9
H Spanish I
GPA: 3.84</p>
<p>Summer 1:
Took 2 summer courses at school which were Wellness/Fitness II and Zoology. I also traveled to India to teach at an Orphanage. </p>
<p>Sophomore Year:
H Physics
H Anatomy/Physiology
H Chemistry
H Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry
H Language Arts 10
AP World History
H Spanish II
H Ceramics I (1 Sem)
GPA: 3.38</p>
<p>Summer 2: </p>
<p>Took a college class called "Intro to Fiction" and got a 100%. I literally fell in love with the course. I traveled to India a second time to teach. </p>
<p>Junior Year:
AP U.S. History
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
College Class: Calc I
AP English Composition
H Sociology (1 Sem)
H Ceramics II (1 Sem)
H Spanish III
Study Hall for the entire year = 1 credit
Independent Study for Research Paper under supervision of a Professor (College Credit)
GPA: 3.44 (brought it up a little first quarter)</p>
<p>My Extra Curriculars: Unless otherwise specified, I have done them since the 9th grade. </p>
<p>Biology Club Founder at McD<br>
FORUM Literary Magazine
Chemistry Club<br>
Literary Research Paper Writer - 11
Ocean Bowl<br>
Veterans Affairs Volunteer (Clocked about 200-300 or so hours)
Orphanage in India Teacher/FR
Neurosurgeon - Internship<br>
Peer Tutoring
Hospital in India - Volunteer<br>
Bi-Polar Walk Organizer - 11
Medical Research - 10
Zoology Club (Founder at my current school) 11
Bi-Polar Walk Organizer - 11
JETS - 10-11
Model United Nations
Dermatology Paper Writer - 11<br>
Speech and Debate Team
Green Team - 10-11</p>
<p>If I transfer to the public school, I will be the founder of Chemistry Club, Biology Club, and Zoology Club. I will also most likely found the Green Team over at McDowell and be President of all of them. I've already discussed this with kids that go to the public school and I've got a good base to do this. Also, my GPA and Class Rank will go way way way up. I'll probably be in the top 10% of the class and have a much higher GPA once it's re-calculated. </p>
<p>I'm planning on being pre-med, and I'm also Asian. Here are the schools I'll be applying to that I'm concerned about: </p>
NYU - One of my tops
College of William and Mary - I'll probably sign ED with them</p>
<p>So?? Will this move be super horrible? How will this impact admissions to these schools? What do you think? Does it seem like I'm full of excuses and such or will they understand my sophomore year and excuse a move for my senior year?</p>