<p>Hey all...</p>
<p>I was wondering if colleges take into consideration that Stern (a business school) is graded all on a curve. That being said, a 4.0 isn't the same as a 4.0 from a comparable--but not b-school-- college right?</p>
<p>Hey all...</p>
<p>I was wondering if colleges take into consideration that Stern (a business school) is graded all on a curve. That being said, a 4.0 isn't the same as a 4.0 from a comparable--but not b-school-- college right?</p>
<p>Just curious, why do you want to transfer out of Stern?</p>
<p>Just applying to a few reach schools to see my options. I guess theres nothing wrong with stern in particular…</p>
<p>so than what would you say in your “why transfer” essay? The answer, "I just want to see my options " isn’t very persuasive.</p>
<p>There are more reasons than just that…I just don’t feel like explaining it all on an open forum</p>
<p>Give one.</p>
<p>I’ll trade you spots. McCombs for Stern?</p>
<p>Why would ckm88 want to trade $5 to get $4?</p>
<p>Well, if your applying to higher ranked schools from Stern, they’ll be looking for you to have been top of your class there. The few I’ve seen go from Stern to Wharton over the years for example, were exceptional at Stern.</p>