<p>I am a freshman at UC Santa Cruz, and would like to transfer to USC next year as I heard they accept freshman transfers. The reason for the transfer would be because I like USC's engineering program much more. How hard would this be if I had around a 3.7 gpa? I am a CE major, and this semester I took Calculus 19A, Intro to robot automation, and the required english class, and received a 3.7 GPA. Next semester I am taking Calculus 19B, Computer Systems and assembly language, and Accelerated intro to programming. Spring Quarter I will be taking Multivariable Calc, Engineering Ethics, and Intro to Data structures. I am also part of the IEEE club at UCSC, and are/will be doing several projects. Would all my units transfer over?</p>
<p>Check USC’s articulation history with UCSC to see which classes might transfer. You have a good shot with a 3.7, ECs, and a solid reason for transferring. How many credits will you have by the end of spring quarter?</p>
<p>Edit: I apologize, it seems their articulation history with UCSC is gone…</p>
You mean transfer after completing your freshmen year? If yes, your high school stats will also be taken into consideration, including your SAT, ACT, GPA, etc. besides your UCSC stats.
…Just in case you haven’t known that yet.</p>
<p>If you have above 30 units, they don’t count high school stuff. Has anyone transferred like this though, from a UC to USC? And preferabely with a 3.6-3.8 gpa?</p>
<p>@hopefulgraduate - I will have 52 credits plus 16 credits from AP courses, so 68 in all. If my “solid reason”, you mean family issues or proximity to home, then thats not my reason. My reson to transfer is because of their superior engineering program. For EC’s, do my high school ec’s count? Otherwise, I am part of IEEE at UCSC, and we will be working on several engineering projects starting this semester. Also, would it be better to transfer after sophmore year, liek most people do for other schools? Would I have a better chance then or now?</p>
<p>Yes. I know someone who transferred from UCR to USC this year (close to a 4.0), but for Biz Admin though. So it is possible</p>
<p>Solid reason = a better program at USC than UCSC or one that fits whatever your goal is. You have more than 45 quarter units (which would be 30 semester units right?) so they don’t really care about your HS stats. You can include your HS ECs if you feel they are pertinent enough but the club you mentioned should be good. </p>
<p>All I can say is apply. Make sure to check if Viterbi needs letters of Rec (I don’t think they do) and send those in. Sift through the USC transfer thread in the main transfer students area here, there’s a lot of good information</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>I contacted USC admissions, and they said that they don’t count AP credits as part of the 30. Either way, I will have more than 30 Semester units (around 55 quarter units) by the end of spring quarter. Will USC still look at High school stuff if I only have 18 units at the time of application? I’m asking this because I’m planning to apply to a bunch of other uni’s next year anyways such as ucla, ucsd, UW seattle, Umich Ann Arbor, and maybe a few others, and if I stand a better chance next year for usc, I don’t mind the wait</p>