<p>Hey! Recently got admitted into the Liberal Arts college at UT but...it wasn't my first choice. I applied for Natural Sciences. I called the office of admissions in my area and they told be transferring is possible if you make some sweet grades the first semester, however, I want to know: </p>
<p>How competitive is the college of NS?
Has anyone ever switched colleges before at UT, if so, how was the process?
What exactly was the criteria for getting accepted into NS in the first place? </p>
<p>Stats: auto admit, 4.0 UW, rank 37/850 something. 6 AP classes, assistant youth leader at church, otherwise miserable volunteer hours :/, varsity volleyball, president, drama/improv club, presidents club. SAT 1860. WR 630 CR 680 M 540 (could it be the poop math score??)</p>