Transferring into Architecture from Industrial Design

<p>I've already applied to the industrial design program, and hopefully I'll get in.</p>

<p>However, if I later decide to transfer into architecture, is it relatively easy? The class differences shouldn't be too much of an issue, as (as far I know) all design majors take the same classes the first year. But does VT accept internal architecture transfers often?</p>

<p>It's very very very hard to transfer into architecture. I absolutely would not count on being able to do it.</p>

<p>chuy, I think pandem is a freshman applicant and if admitted as an ID student would be a CAUS admit. pandem, you are right in that all of the design kids, Industrial Design, Arch, Land arch and Interior design all take the first two semesters (2- 6 hour credit classes) of design studios together. A call or email to someone in the industrial design dept once you get admitted (hopefully :))would be helpful. I don't think it is as hard as someone who went in and tried to transfer from being a English or Bio major.</p>

<p>Both programs there are top notch. In fact I just read this week that two of VT's College of Architecture and Urban studies professors, Jack Davis (Arch) and Robert Dunay (ID), have been named to Design Intelligence's 2009 Most Admired Educators list.<br>
Here is a link talking about it:
CAUS</a> | College of Architecture & Urban Studies | Virginia Tech Good luck to you!</p>

<p>Yes, I am a freshman applicant, sorry I didn't make that clear. </p>

<p>The thing I'm wondering is this: I'm still sort of undecided on careers, but arch. and id. are both top interests. So if I decide to switch from one to the other, it would be nice to already be at a school that offers top programs in both.</p>