Transferring into Binghamton's Business Admin. Program

Current School: Suffolk County Community College
GPA through 18 credits: 3.9, all A’s except for a B+
Also have 6 college credits through SUNY Farmingdale with an A for 3, and a B+ for the other 3
Prerequisites: Microeconomics: A , Macroeconomics: A, Statistics: A, Calc: Have not taken yet
I currently have a total of 24 credits, enough so I do not need to send in my high school transcript.

How am I looking to get in?


If you’re applying for Fall 2017, if you keep your grades up I’d say you’re looking good to get in, especially if you complete calc this semester. Write an essay for good measure though on the app and explain what your goals are and how the program will help you achieve them.

If you applied for Spring 2017 after one semester at the cc, they could possibly deny you since you only have one semester of college and they’d have no knowledge of your previous academic performance. If you did well in hs though and you send in your transcripts (even though you don’t have to), I’d say you’re fine. However, personally, I’d wait until the fall. You’ll have a better chance of admission.

I am applying for Fall 2017, however, their deadline is March 1st so they will not be able to view my Spring semester at Suffolk before they make a decision.

any other thoughts?

They might ask you what courses you are taking for the spring semester and what is your grade in that class currently, which you have to get sign by your teacher.

To get accepted to SoM’s business program without all the prereq’s done is very tough. I applied last year into binghamton hoping to transfer into SoM as a sophomore and only got into Harpur with identical grades as you. It will be tough but not impossible so good luck.

@Dccbaby They asked me to fill out a course progress report, and I had a counselor make a note that I will be taking Calc over the Summer. Should be interesting. My course progress report is straight A’s too.

@Dccbaby Did you end up attending?