Transferring out of Bing?

I’m currently a freshman at Bing having a really difficult time being happy here, though a year ago I was so sure I’d love it here. I’m OOS so that may be part of the reason, but I’m not sure if I should transfer to my state school next year (TCNJ or Rutgers) or stick it out here. I’m already paying nearly double the amount of a NJ school to be here and it feels pointless if I’m always sad. I really dislike how the students give off a cliquey vibe and tend to stick with their own ethnic and religious/people from HS. I also live in Dickinson which is one of the most antisocial communities. It just feels like everyday I’m going through the same routine that I can possibly live with for the next years, but I won’t be as happy as I can. I’m very used to my routine in this school now, which is making me scared to transfer. I’m an English major but I want to do something in communications, which Bing doesn’t have :frowning:

Binghamton is a good school but unfortunately I wouldn’t say the campus is a good fit for everyone. It can be difficult if you come from out of state and have a different background than most of the other students. Sounds like Binghamton isn’t really a great fit for you socially, academically or financially. No point in staying some place where you aren’t happy and where you don’t fit in. I would recommend applying to the schools you listed. You can always change your mind about transferring out of bing. Good luck.

I love binghamton but i can understand for an out of stater it might be hard. If you have any questions about the university let me know